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GR number: PT SANGLI/UG-02/2021/1A
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Email: sopt.sangli@bharatividyapeeth.edu

School of Physiotherapy, Sangli

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Admissions 2023-24

The information and the rules given herein are applicable for admissions to the first year of four years full time Bachelor of Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPTh) undergraduate degree programme of Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune.

The seats will be filled on merit, based on their performance in "B.Physiotherapy CET-2022” online computer-based entrance test", conducted by Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) at the designated centers.

All the candidates seeking admissions will have to appear for online computer-based Entrance Test "B.Physiotherapy CET-2022" conducted by Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune. All candidates will have to apply online & fill the prescribed application form.

Admission Criteria: Eligibility

Admission Criteria: Eligibility

Admission to First year BPTh is through "B.Physiotherapy CET-2022"

Only those candidates who satisfy or are likely to satisfy the relevant eligibility requirements for admission to the course will be considered eligible to appear for the entrance and subsequently for admission to the course.

Eligibility requirements for online computer-based Entrance Test-2022 and subsequent admission to B.P.Th are as follows:

  1. The candidate applying for admission to B.P.Th course should have passed 10+2 examination or equivalent / two years of Pre-University/ Pre-Degree examination conducted by the Pre University Board of Education of Government of respective State with a minimum of 50% in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  2. The candidate shall have studied English as a subject in the qualifying examination and passed the same.
  3. Applicants shall attain the age of 17 years as on 31st December of current year.

Documents required while Admission

Documents required while Admission:

  1. For a Proof of date of Birth: SSC Certificate or School / College Leaving Certificate or Certificate of Domicile / Nationality Certificate
  2. Statement of marks of SSC examination.
  3. Statement of marks of HSC examination.
  4. Transfer Certificate from the Institution in which you had studied last.
  5. Caste Certificate (in case of candidates of SC/ ST category)
  6. Caste validity certificate issued by appropriate authority (in case of candidatesof SC/ ST category)
  7. Migration Certificate (for students who joined a course after 12th).
  8. Conduct and Character Certificate from a responsible person.
  9. Certificate of Medical Fitness. (as per Annexure III)
  10. Six recent passport-size photographs with candidate name written behind.
  11. The amount of fees and hostel fees (in case you are admitted to hostel.)
  12. Authority letter-wherever applicable.
  13. The application should also be accompanied by a document in the form of school leaving certificate / transfer / migration / character certificate, which should include a report on behavioural pattern of applicant, so that the institution can thereafter keep an intense watch upon a student who has a negative entry in this regard.

Course Details

Course Details:

  • Duration of the course: 4½ years.
  • Intake capacity: 60 students per year
  • Level of Passing: 50% and above in both theory and Practical
  • Attendance: Compulsory 80% in theory and 85% in practical

Online Computer-based Entrance Test

Online Computer-based Entrance Test:

General instructions, terms and conditions:

  1. B. Physiotherapy CET-2022 is a ranking examination for admission to First Year Bachelor of Physiotherapy Course under graduate programme for 2022-23 academic session.
  2. The Online Computer-based Entrance Test are conducted on two dates and the applicant can select either of the dates. Applicant may kindly note that mere appearance in the Online Computer-based Entrance Test and inclusion of name in the merit list does not confer any automatic rights to secure admission to the programme offered by the college. The selection and admission to the programme is subject to fulfilling the admission criteria, eligibility, and any such criteria as may be prescribed by the University and availability of seats to the particular programme and college at the time of counselling.
  3. Applications of candidates producing false or fabricated information will not be considered
  4. Before initiating online registration process, candidates should go through the Information brochure carefully for eligibility criteria, and pattern of examination etc. The information brochure shall be available at https://bvuniversity.edu.in
  5. Incomplete online application, if not in accordance with instructions, will not be considered and processed. Applicant should carefully fill up all the fields during online application process and complete the payment process. Application once submitted finally, cannot be withdrawn/modified.
  6. The Online Computer-based Entrance Test fee, once paid, will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  7. Candidates who remain absent for the entrance test will forfeit their entrance test fee.
  8. The Information brochure is subject to modification without notice. Please check the website regularly for updates, if any.
  9. The authorities of the college reserves the right to withdraw permission, if any, granted inadvertently to any candidate who is not eligible to appear in the online computer based entrance test even though Admit card/Registration number has been issued.
  10. The admissions provided to candidates based on the result of the online computer -based entrance test will be purely provisional and subject to the fulfillment of eligibility criteria as mentioned in the Information brochure.
  11. Under no circumstance a change in examination centre once selected by the candidate will be allowed.
  12. All the correspondence should preferably be addressed by e-mail. The e-mail query shall be addressed only if it is not anonymous and not vague.
  13. Candidates are deemed to have read, agreed and accepted the terms and conditions in the Information brochure and then completed the online registration/application form for the online computer-based entrance test.
  14. In case of differences of opinion or any ambiguity in interpretation andimplementation of any of the instructions/ terms/ rules/ criteria regarding the determination of eligibility/ conduct of examinations/ registration of candidates/ information contained herein, the same shall be referred to the Vice Chancellor of the Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) and his decision shall be final and binding on all concerned.
  15. Any legal matters arising out of the total admission process through the AllIndia Common Entrance Test of Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune – 30 i.e. B. Physiotherapy CET-2022 shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts at Pune, Maharashtra State only.

Nature of online computer-based entrance test

Nature of online computer- based entrance test - "B. Physiotherapy CET-2022"

The "B. Physiotherapy CET-2022" is an Online Computer based entrance test for admission to B. P Th. Programme will consist of in all 200 marks.

The online computer-based entrance test will consist of one question paper, set in English and will contain200 multiple choice objective-type questions, 60 on Physics, 60 on Chemistry, 80 on Biology (Botany and Zoology). They will be set on the topics in the syllabus of 10+2 (H.S.C.) course based on in general pattern of 10+2 examination syllabus. It consists of 200 multiple choice questions, one mark each with four alternatives, with only one correct or most appropriate answer. One mark will be awarded for each correct answer. There is no negative marking for online computer-based entrance test.

Online computer-based entrance test schedule and Admit cards

Online computer-based entrance test schedule and Admit cards:

The online computer-based entrance test "B.Physiotherapy CET-2022" will be held on as per the schedule available on website.

  1. The candidates appearing for the online computer-based entrance test should, in their own interest, check their eligibility in all respect so as to avoid disappointment at any later stage. Your application for the online computer-based entrance test is "PURELY PROVISIONAL" pending detailed scrutiny of your fulfilling the eligibility conditions as mentioned in the information brochure for the programme applied. In case, it is found that the candidate does not fulfill the eligibility criteria, application of such candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of admission process or even after joining in the college.
  2. Candidates MUST have the following documents for the online computer-based entrance test centre –Any one of the authorized photo IDs (must be original, valid and non-expired): Aadhaar Card / PAN card/ Driving license/ Voter ID/ Passport. The name on the photo identification must match with the name as show on the admit card.

Entrance test fee

Entrance test fee:

  1. Entrance test fee: Rs 1,100 /-
  2. The entrance test fee shall be paid through payment gateway using internet banking mode or through debit/ credit card. Service charges and other taxes for transaction as applicable by bank has to be paid by the applicant.
  3. The entrance test fee, once paid, will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates who remain absent for the entrance test will forfeit their entrance test fee.

Application procedure

Application procedure

  1. A candidate desirous of appearing for the B.Physiotherapy CET-2022 online computer-based entrance test is required to complete the prescribed online application form along with entrance test fee.
  2. The application form is available online at: https://bvuniversity.edu.in
  3. The candidates should strictly follow the instructions given in the website while filling up the application form online, and must read the instructions carefully before filling up the online application form.
  4. Candidates should submit the completed online application form on or before the last date mentioned in the website. (See “Important dates” in the brochure.)
  5. Candidate should ensure that all information entered during the online application process is correct. Applications of candidates producing false or fabricated information will not be considered.
  6. The authorities of the University do not edit / modify / alter any information entered by the candidates at the time of online application process under any circumstances. Any request for change in information thereafter will not be entertained.

    The University will not be responsible if the candidate has filled in and submitted an application for a different test from the one intended to appear. In such cases the University will not refund the entrance test fees.

Instructions regarding online computer-based entrance test

Instructions regarding online computer-based entrance test

About Question Paper:

  1. The duration of the CET exam in Three hours. The online test comprises of 200 marks. It will be of 200 multiple choice questions
  2. All questions are compulsory. For each question four alternative answers have been provided out of which only one answer is correct.
  3. Only one question will be displayed on the computer screen at a time.
  4. There is one mark for each question which will be displayed at the topright-hand corner of each question.
  5. There is no negative marking.
  6. The question paper will be in English language.
  7. Candidates can attempt questions in any sequence by clicking on the question number in the Section wiseSummary Report reflecting on the left-hand side of the screen.
  8. The exam screen will continuously display the remaining time at the top right-hand corner of the question paper.
  9. The candidates may ask the Invigilator their doubts or questions before the commencement of test. No queries shall be entertained after the commencement of the examination.
  10. Additional rough sheet (if required) shall be provided to the candidates for rough work during the test. All the rough sheets need to be returned to the Invigilator before leaving the test venue.

About Answering Questions:

  1. In order to answer a question, you have to `Click' the option you think is appropriate/ correct. The alternative which has been clicked on will be highlighted and shall be treated as the answer given by you for the question.
  2. If you do not wish to attempt the question then you should not click on any option for that question and may click`Next'.
  3. You can `Bookmark' questions to review before submitting.
  4. You can navigate between questions either by clicking on `Previous/Next' or bydirectly clicking on the question numbers which are displayed as attempted/ unattempted /book marked in the Section wise Summary Report.

About Preview and Submission

About Preview and Submission:

  1. The answers are saved whenever the candidate navigates e.g. by clicking on Next/ Previous button
  2. The candidates can make changes in their choice of alternative only before the paper is auto submitted.
  3. After the expiry of 180 minutes the candidates will not be able to attempt any question or check their answers. The answers of the candidate would be saved and submitted automatically by the computer system.

Candidate can be debarred /disqualified by the Center-In-Charge for any of the following reasons:

  1. Creating a disturbance.
  2. Impersonate - Attempting to take the examination for someone else.
  3. Giving or receiving assistance of any kind during the examination & communication in any form between candidates or with outsiders or gesticulation or disturbance or attempt to change seat / question paper in the examination hall
  4. Attempting to tamper with the operation of the computer or meddling with system.
  5. Leaving the test center without the permission from the invigilator.
  6. Using prohibited aids, item not allowed, such as: calculators, cell phones, pieces of paper, electronic diaries, watch alarm, listening device, recording or photographic devices, or any other unauthorized device.
  7. Attempting to remove examination question and /or examination responses (in any format) from the examination center.
  8. Falling to follow instructions of invigilator or test center staff.
  9. Manhandling of invigilators or test center staff.
  10. Any suspicious act by the candidate which, as per the opinion of the client observer, has created an impression of unfairness during the examination
  11. Resorting to unfair means or trying to influence any person duly authorized to conduct the examination, in any way for examination results shall be considered as a serious offence. The candidate shall be liable to have his/her name removed from the list of candidates for the examination and may also be further dealt with in such manner as client may deem fit.
  12. The Chief proctor is authorized to dismiss the candidate/s from the examination center for any misconduct by the candidates and the decision will be final and binding.
  13. Any candidate found in possession of any unauthorized material or indulging in copying or impersonation or adopting unfair means shall entail disciplinary action including cancellation of candidature and debarment for three years.
  14. In the event of the examination being disrupted, the candidate should immediately inform the invigilator. The invigilator will help the candidate to login to the examination. This will start the examination from where it had stopped.
  15. A mock test will be available on the bvuniversity.edu.in website for practice for all candidates who have been issued Admit Cards for the exam.

Basis of selection for admission

Basis of selection for admission

  1. A Candidate desirous of seeking admission to First Year Bachelor of Physiotherapy course undergraduate programme should fulfill the minimum eligibility condition as stated in point no. 3 above. The final admission will be offered based solely on themerit obtained at the allIndia online computer based entrance test "B.Physiotherapy CET-2022 " conducted by Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune.
  2. He/ She must have appeared for the "B.Physiotherapy CET-2022 " online computer- based entrance Test, conducted by Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune at designated centres.
  3. Mere appearance in the online computer- based entrance test and inclusion of name in the merit list does not confer any automatic rights to secure admission to the programme offered by the College. The selection and admission to the programme is subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
  4. In case two or more candidates obtain equal marks in the "B.Physiotherapy CET-2022” the inter-se-merit of such candidates shall be determined in order of preference as under:
    1. Candidate obtaining higher marks in Biology (Botany & Zoology) in the entrance examination, if equal
    2. Candidate obtaining higher marks in Chemistry in the entrance examination, if equal
    3. Candidate obtaining higher total marks in subjects of Biology, Chemistry, Physics in the 12th standard qualifying examination. (Such a tie will be settled at the time of counselling), if equal
    4. Candidate obtaining higher percentage of total marks in the 10th standard examination, if equal
    5. In case of tie at this level, computerized random selection of candidate will be carried out.

Counseling and on the spot admissions

Counseling and on the spot admissions:

The counseling and on the spot admissions session will be held at Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) School of Physiotherapy, Sangli 416416 Telephone No.0233-2601592 Extension-228

Reporting time is 10 a.m.


The candidate must note that appearance for the online computer-based entrance test and inclusion of name in the merit list does not necessarily mean that he/she will get admission to the college & course. The admission will depend upon the availability of seats to the particular programme and college at the time of his counselling.

It shall be candidates’ responsibility to see the result of the online computer based entrance B. Physiotherapy ET-2022 and confirm their merit no. The candidate should remain present for counselling as per the schedule.

Individual counselling letters will not be sent. The candidate should attend counselling & on the spot admissions on their own as per the schedule given. The candidate should bring along with them proof of having appeared for the online computer-based entrance test such as admit card & or photo copy of application form / Demand Draft etc.

The candidate will be offered a seat in the college and course as per the combined merit list prepared by Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune for the college and the course. The candidate will be called for counselling as per their merit number and will be offered a seat as per availability of the seat in the particular college and particular programme.

Declaration of result

Declaration of result:

  • The merit list of candidates who have registered for "B.Physiotherapy CET-2022" will be declared as per the schedule.
  • It shall be the responsibility of the individual candidate to see their own merit number and appear for the counselling at the centre of his/ her choice as per schedule given in Point No.12.

Fee Structure

Fee Structure

Fee Structure for the UG programme Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPTh) for A.Y.2022-23 is available at https://bvuniversity.edu.in

Mode of Payment of Fees shall be as given below

The fee is to be paid either through online mode or through Bank Draft of any Nationalized bank drawn in the name of “The Registrar, BharatiVidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune payable at Pune”. (BVDU Fees Portal for online payment)

If a candidate fails to confirm admission given to him/ her, the same shall stand cancelled and the resultant vacancy will be offered to the next eligible candidate from the list. However, if candidate is unable to report in person, he / she can depute a representative with an authority letter signed by the candidate (appended in this brochure) along with requisite documents under sec.12 above and Demand Draft of fees.

There are few seats available in the hostel which will be allotted on first come first served basis.

Those who are desirous of getting admission to the hostel will be required to pay the entire amount of rent for the year as well as the mess charges for the entire academic year at the time of admission only. The payment for the hostels should be made by separate Demand Draft.

Refund of fee

Refund of fee:

If the student chooses to withdraw from the program of studies in which he/she is enrolled, the refund of the fees paid will be made as per the following UGC guidelines.

S.No. Percentage of Refund of Aggregate Fees* Point of time when notice of withdrawal of admission is submitted to the university
1 100% 15 days or more, before the formally- notified last date of admission.
2 90% Less than 15 days before the formally- notified last date of admission.
3 80% 15 days or less, after the formally notified last date of admission.
4 50% 30 days or less, after the formally notified last date of admission.
5 0% More than 30 days after the formally notified last date of admission.

* (inclusive of course fees but exclusive of caution deposit)

  • In case of (1) in the table above, the University shall deduct Rs. 5,000/- as processing charges form the refundable amount.
  • Any student who withdraws form the course as mentioned in Sr. No.5 and thereafter will be required to remit to the University, in addition to the amount already forfeited, the course fee payable for the remaining period of the course.
  • In case of Foreign/NRI candidates, the refund will be made in accordance with RBI/ Foreign exchange regulations.
  • All refunds will be processed by the respective unites of the University upon receiving the approval from the Registrar based on the recommendation of the head of the Institution. Refund will be made only after the candidate has surrendered the ID card, original fee receipt and the dues clearance certificate.
  • Application and Entrance Test Fees, wherever applicable, once remitted shall NOT be refunded under any circumstances.
  • The refund information given above is indicative only and Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) reserves the right to make changes as per the notifications received form the concerned statutory / regulatory authorities from time to time.

** The date of opening of the college shall be deemed to be the last date of admission for the limited purpose of admission and refund of fees.

Conduct and discipline

Conduct and discipline:

  • If any student is found indulging in anti-national activities, or in activities that run contrary to the letter and spirit of the provisions of Acts and Laws enforced by the Government, or any activity that causes his/ her behaviour to be contrary to rules of discipline, will be liable to be expelled from the College forthwith without any notice by the Principal of the College.
  • If any of the statements made in the application form or any information supplied by the candidate in connection with his/ her admission is, at any time, found to be false or incorrect and willful suppression of facts, his/ her admission will be cancelled forthwith. The fees will be forfeited and he/ she may be expelled from the College by the Principal and prosecuted, if deemed necessary.

Each of the candidates seeking admission in the College is required to give the following undertaking at the time of admission: -

  1. "I have read all the rules of admission for the current year and after fully understanding these rules, I have filled in this application form for admission for the current year.
  2. The information given by me in my application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  3. I have not been debarred from appearing at any examination conducted by any Government constituted or statutory autonomous examination authority in India.
  4. I fully understand that the Principal of the college will have right to expel, rusticate me from the college for any infringement of the rules of good conduct and discipline in general and particularly the ones referred to above and the rules of good conduct and discipline prescribed by the college/ university and in the undertaking given above.”



  1. The candidates are informed that the medium of instruction, for all programmes is English.
  2. At the time of seeking admissions, a candidate will be provisionally admitted to the programme at the college subject to the production of the Provisional Eligibility Certificate from the University.
  3. The Institution shall have the right to satisfy about the conduct and character of a candidate by verifying antecedents of a candidate through the appropriate police-authority, before admitting him/her to the Institution.
  4. The attention of the candidates is particularly invited to the provisions of rules regarding the eligibility of candidates for admission to the First Year Bachelor of Physiotherapy Programme. If at any stage it is found that a candidate is not eligible for admission to First Year Bachelor of Physiotherapy Programme, his/her candidature and admission even if granted provisionally will be cancelled forthwith.
  5. Differences of opinion and disputes arising in the interpretation and implementation of the clauses in this Brochure, if any, will be referred to the Vice-Chancellor of the Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University),Pune and his decision shall be final and binding on all the concerned

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