OPD and IPD Services
In-Patient and Out-Patient Services
- Physical therapy is provided as a primary care treatment or alongside or in conjunction with other medical services.
- A physiotherapist with his expertise in exercise therapy and prescription, joint mobilization, manual therapy, and electrotherapy rehabilitates various musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, geriatric, paediatric, gynaecological, sports, women’s health, wound care and neurological conditions.
- Physiotherapy offers a wide range of specialized services. The aim of Physiotherapy is to make a proper diagnosis and afford customized treatment in order to prevent further damage.
- Physical therapists promote, maintain and restore health through physical examination, diagnosis, prognosis, patient education, physical intervention, rehabilitation, disease prevention and health promotion. Physiotherapists work primarily with people recovering from injuries.
- The aim of physiotherapy is to improve quality of life and enhance performance. The goal is to get patients back in motion with exercises, myofascial release, and other techniques, and therapy. Physical therapy often focuses on preventing further injuries, and it can help people to avoid surgery or a long-term dependence on medications.
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
Orthopedic physiotherapy refers to the treatment of issues associated with muscles & bones and their related injuries or disorders. After an orthopedic illness or surgery, people often lose their mobility which affects their quality of life. In such cases, physiotherapy offers pain relief, boosts joint range, and enhances strength.
Orthopedic Physiotherapy eliminates surgery and prevents from future complications, improves body posture and helps restore normal mobility, strengthens the muscles and promotes the overall well-being of physical health, ensures a speedy recovery and helps to resume back to a healthy state.
Physiotherapy Management included the use of various electrical modalities where low, medium and high frequency currents are used for pain management along with use of electromagnetic waves and sound waves for healing purposes.
Some of the modalities used are: Interferential Therapy, Transcutanous Electric Nerve Stimulator, Ultrasound, Laser, UV/IR Rays, Biofeedback, Traction, Paraffin Wax etc.

Neurological Rehabilitation
Neuro Rehabilitation is advocated as a comprehensive activity based rehabilitation program that helps in improving strength, mobility, stability, balance and overall coordination and endurance of patient to improve their quality of life after they suffer from a neurological insult/ injury.
Neurological Physiotherapy is a specialist area of physiotherapy focused on the treatment of individuals with neurological conditions. Neurological disorders affect the functioning of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The common neurological conditions include Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord Injury, Parkinson’s, Bell’s Palsy etc.

We have incorporated STROKE CLINIC which runs on every Thursday 9:00 to 1:00 am to meet the needs of people suffering from neurological insult and other associated stroke related disabilities.
A number of treatment approaches are used in the treatment of such cases namely: Stretching, Strengthening, Balance re-education, Gait re- education, Joint mobilization, Electrical stimulation, Postural exercise, Spasticity management, Advice/Education on lifestyle, fatigue management, and exercise.
Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy
Cardiopulmonary physiotherapists work with patients in a variety of settings. They treat acute problems like asthma, acute chest infections and trauma; they are involved in the preparation and recovery of patients from major surgery; they also treat a wide range of chronic cardiac and respiratory conditions like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis (CF) and post-myocardial infarction (MI). They work with all ages from premature babies to older adults at the end of their life.
Cardiopulmonary physiotherapists use physical modalities to treat people. This may involve using manual techniques to clear infected mucus from a person's chest, or using non-invasive ventilation to help a person breathe, or prescribing exercises to improve a patient's functional exercise capacity.

Paediatric Rehabilitation Unit
Paediatric Rehabilitation is another vital part of Physiotherapy department wherein specially abled children are provided compressive and individualized treatment regimes in order to improve their strength, mobility, physical functioning and help enable daily living activities including school, recreational activities and personal care. The children are taught different body balance strategies for developing balance and equilibrium.
Children with the following conditions are treated in the Paediatric Physiotherapy Department: Cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, Attention Deficit and hyperactive disorders (ADHD), Spina Bifida, Muscular Dystrophies, Congenital and Acquired Disorders.

Sports Physiotherapy
Sports physiotherapists help minimize the risk of overuse injuries. A sports physiotherapist specializes in planning an effective ‘return to sports training’ protocol that helps an athlete return on the field after an injury. This program also helps reduce the incidence of re-injury to reduce dropout rates. Specialize rehab protocol are designed for the athletes which cater their needs to relocate after an injury is sustained.
The physiotherapist has a deep knowledge about the kinesiology and functional needs required for an athlete in-order to participate in his/her sport according to which work hardening and conditioning programs are individualized.

Community Based Physiotherapy
ANC & PNC PHYSIOTHERAPYPhysiotherapists help pregnant women to prevent obesity and stay in good physical condition. Physiological changes in skeleton and muscle system may be the reason of pain during pregnancy and physiotherapy may effectively prevent it. Preparation for the delivery by physical activity, and respiratory exercises increase awareness and help a pregnant woman to participate more actively in the act of the delivery.
Physiotherapy services offered are Antenatal Care, Postnatal Care, Menopause, Osteoporosis, Incontinence, Prolapsed Uterus etc.

Geriatric Physiotherapy
Geriatric Rehabilitation aims to restore function or enhance residual functional capability and improving the quality of life in older people particularly those with disabling impairments. One of the main goals of physical therapeutic procedures in the elderly is the restoration or maintenance of functional autonomy in daily living activities. Physiotherapist helps in improving the strength, co-ordination and balance which in-turn helps them in preventing frequent falls. Strength training exercise helps in restoration of bone mineral density and helps in minimizing the complications and restoration of osteoporosis.

Physiotherapy Via Tele Rehabilitation
Tele-Rehab allows individuals to remotely access rehabilitation within their home environment, under the supervision of a highly qualified Physiotherapist.
Our Physiotherapist will be able to have eyes on you throughout your consultation, which enables them to provide expert advice, guided exercise and feedback, to ensure you are continuing to meet your rehabilitation goals.