- Curricular aspects
- Curriculum committee of IQAC
- Academic committee of IQAC
- Teaching, Learning and Evaluation
- Academic committee of IQAC
- Research innovations and extensions
- Central research and publication unit
- MOU advisory committee
- Staff research and CPC committee
- Institutional innovation cell committee
- Infrastructure and learning resources
- Library committee
- Hostel welfare committee
- Inventory and condemnation committee
- Purchase feasibility committee
- Student support and progression
- Student council
- Sports and extra curricular committee
- Prevention of ragging
- Prevention of sexual harassment
- Career advancement and placement guidance (CAPG) cell
- Governance leadership and management
- College council
- Grievance redressal committee students
- Patient/hospital grievance hospital cell
- Staff grievance cell
- Purchase feasibility committee
- Prevention of ragging
- Campus committee
- Institutional values and best practices
- Patient/hospital grievance redressal cell
- Covid convalescent plasma use task force