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GR number: PT SANGLI/UG-02/2021/1A
Phones: 0233-2601592 / 93 / 94 Ext 228/269
Email: sopt.sangli@bharatividyapeeth.edu

School of Physiotherapy, Sangli

Our Visitors


Faculty - Dr. Tejaswi Varute

  • Name: Dr. Tejaswi Varute
  • Post/Designation: Assistant Professor
  • Speciality: Community Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
  • Reg no.:
  • Teaching experience: 4 Months 15 Days
  • Clinical experience: 4 Months 15 Days
  • Email id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




  1. Covid 19 Awareness and Management
  2. Corporate ergonomics
  3. Manual Therapy for Thoracic Cage: Improve Mobility to Improve Lung Capacity
  4. Health Research Fundamentals
  5. International Symposium on ICF, AIMS, Mohali
  6. Orthopaedic Manual Therapy, Capri Institute
  7. Functional Myofascial Release, HPE
  8. Functional IASTM, HPE
  9. Functional Dry Needling, HPE
  10. Functional Cupping Dynamics, HPE
  11. NDT Assessment
  12. Matrix Rhythm Therapy Workshop
  13. Curriculum Framing, Faculty Development Program, BVDU Pune
  14. Certified Pulmonary Rehab Specialist (CPRS)

Conferences attended

  1. SIP- e- CON
  2. International Physiotherapy E-conference QUADRANS- 2021, KLE
  3. International Multidisciplinary Rehab E- Con, MGMSOP

Paper Presentation and Awards

  1. Poster Presentation: Health status of personnel working at petrol station- A WHO STEPs survey in Belagavi City, MGMSOP
  2. ICF based study on association of sleep quality and lifestyle on Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Homemakers and Professional Women- AIMS, Mohali

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