Faculty - Dr. Manal Anthikat

- Name: Dr. Manal Anthikat
- Post/Designation: Associate Professor
- Speciality: NeuroPhysiotherapy
- Reg no.: M.I.A.P. Reg No: L 28934 / MSOTPT Reg No. PR-2012/02/PT/002136
- Teaching experience: 6 years
- Clinical experience: 6.5 years
- Email id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis: Its relation to disability and functional independence - International Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 2020.Vol. 14 No. 3 (2020)
- Immediate effects of chest wall stretching on pulmonary function of the 21K Marathon Runners - International Journal of Physical Education, Sports, Health 2020;Vol 7(3), 01-05.
- Immediate effects of Median Nerve Mobilization on Nerve Conduction Velocities, Upper limb Strength and Bimanual Co-ordination in Normal Healthy Subjects – International Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 2020. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijpot.v14i3.9699
- Prevelance of the Pattern of Cerebral Palsy Children seen in Registered Schools of Zilla Parishad, Sangli District – International Journal of Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education 2020; Vol 5(3) 26-31
- Comparative Study of Flutter Device and Active Cycle of Breathing Technique in Airway Clearance in subjects with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - International Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 2020.
- Correlation of reduced endurance capacity of Neck flexors and extensors in Cigarette’s smokers of college going students. International Journal of Health sciences and Research. 2021, Vol.11, Issue 7
- Effect of wobble Board exercise versus Bosu Ball exercises on Balance, Fear of fall and its impact on Quality of life in Geriatric Population. International Journal of Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education 2021, Vol.6, Issue 3, pg 116-121
- Immediate effects of Specific Myofascial Release technique versus Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Hold relax technique on Hamstring flexibility in Sub acute and chronic patients. International Journal of Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education 2021. Vol.6, Issue 3, pg 111-115
- The effect of Proprioceptive training using Modified Trampoline versus conventional Proprioceptive training on Balance in cancer patients with Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy. International Journal of Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education 2021. Vol.6, Issue 4, pg 8-13
- Prevalence of Hypertension among Obese children of Private schools.International Journal of Health sciences and Research. 2021, Vol.11, Issue 7.
- Effectiveness of Core Muscle Strengthening using Swiss Ball vs Traditional Core muscle Strengthening Exercises on Functional Impairments in Amateur Marathon Runners with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research Volume 9; Issue 4 (August 2021)pg 3937 – 3943.
- Fellowship in Nutrition and Dietetics
- Fellowship in Sports Science (FSS)
- Kinesiology Taping
- Research Methodology
- Health Sciences Education Technology
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Advanced Neurological Techniques
- Pilates Gateway To Core Stability
- Muscle Energy Technique and Trigger Point Therapy
- Evaluation and Management of Cerebral Palsy
- MS PHYSCON 2020 Conference, Crutches to Robotics, Sangli (February 2020)
- Intellectual Property Rights Workshop, MMC WH COP, Miraj (March 2019)
Paper Presentation
- “Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis: Its relation to disability and functional independence” Presented at MSPHYSCON 2020 National Conference, Sangli, Maharashtra.
Personal Achievements
- 60 half marathon finisher
- India book of record holder as Navaari Pacer for 21.09 km
- India book of record holder for Night cycling from singhgad to raigad
- Multiple Podium Winner for half marathon
- Podium winner at Belagavi duathlon
- 35km finisher at ultra kokan beach virtual event
- Represents sangli district as Maharashtra che Dhaavdhoot
- Awarded as an Krida Sangini in Sangli district for the year 2022-2023
- Pacer at lokmat mahamarathon, shaheed International marathon and Amibolt Pune marathon