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GR number: PT SANGLI/UG-02/2021/1A
Phones: 0233-2601592 / 93 / 94 Ext 228/269
Email: sopt.sangli@bharatividyapeeth.edu

School of Physiotherapy, Sangli

Our Visitors


Faculty - Dr. Sushant Sampat Sutar

  • Name: Dr. Sushant Sampat Sutar
  • Post/Designation: Assistant Professor
  • Speciality: Adult Neurological and Psychosomatic Disorders
  • Reg no.: MSOTPT Reg No. PR-2018/07/PT/007006
  • Teaching experience:
  • Clinical experience: 7 Years
  • Email id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Aquatic Therapy
  • Mulligan Manual Techniques
  • Dry Needling
  • Acupuncture
  • NDT
  • Aerobics Instructor Training
  • Diet & Nutrition
  • Pilates Instructor Training
  • Spinning Instructor Training
  • Advanced Fitness Instructor
  • Physiotherapy Management and Techniques

Conferences attended

  • 8th All India Physiotherapy Conference 2008, Mangalore
  • 9th All India Physiotherapy Conference 2009, Mangalore
  • 10th All India Physiotherapy Conference 2010, Mangalore
  • Member of Organizing Committee in National Conference MSPHYSCON 2020, Sangli.

Paper Presentation and Awards

  • Presented A Scientific Paper Titled “A Cross-Sectional Study to Evaluate Prevalence of Shoulder Subluxation in Post Stroke Hemiplegic Subjects at Tertiary Hospital” In National Conference MSPHYSCON 2020, Sangli
  • Relationship between Trunk Control and Activities of Daily living in Stroke Patients. Stroke Neuro Rehabilitation
  • Resource Person in CRE workshop on research in disability rehabilitation organized by National Institute of empowerment of persons with multiple disabilities, Chennai in collaboration with Indian Association of health research and welfare.

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